Written by Justin Cartledge
October 18th - 20th, 2018
Performed at Brentwood Theatre
​Directed by Amy Clayton
If He cannot inspire love, He will cause fear. A self-penned adaptation of Mary Shelley's classic gothic-horror comes to Brentwood Theatre for Halloween 2018. The return of EDP is marked with this incredible tale of God versus Man versus Monster. Frankenstein follows trainee physician Victor as he triumphs at reanimating a dead body. His guilt for creating such a thing forces him to abandon the seemingly dead creation, and now the 'creature' is awake and abandoned. Rejected by mankind, he seeks revenge on his creator's family to avenge his own sorrow. Beware; for he is fearless, and therefore powerful.
THE CREATURE - Darren Matthews
ELIZABETH - Sara Thompson
HENRY - Justin Cartledge
ENSEMBLE - Ray Johnson, Julie Salter, Paul Sparrowham, Rachel Lane, Matt Jones & Amy Clayton